The following are my thoughts on the next phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan-A low Tax Plan for Jobs and Growth:

1. Keep middle income family taxes stable ( $60-120,000 net pa). This will give your largest sector of the economy more buying power.

2. Offer childcare subsidies to those families or fund more seats. You are not going to have people going back to work or looking for work if they cannot find affordable, safe childcare.

3. Allow a tax break as an incentive for people who maintain a healthy lifestyle (sports memberships, equipment, exercise classes) because healthy people are less of a burden on all the services provided by our tax dollars.

4. Incentive programs for small & Medium sized business to expand their staff or their services will create more jobs because this is the sector of our economy that employs the most people.

5. Focus some funds on R&D to create a secondary or value added sector for all of our commodities that are exported raw!

Those are my thoughts.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit.